RIR power modules are available in dual thyristor, dual diode & thyristor-diode topology in solder-based, compression bonded & wire-bonded types.
We also manufacture non-isolated three thyristor modules and isolated water-cooled modules.
Modules are widely used for UPS motor drives, power supply, power transmission and distribution, railway traction applications, welding machines, chemical industry, renewable energy, electric vehicles (EV) and other applications in many industries.
Thyristor – Thyristor (IRKT)
- 27A to 1000A
- 400V to 2200V
Thyristor- Diode (IRKH)
- 27A to 1000A
- 400V to 2200V
Diode-Diode (IRKD)
- Current: 40A to 195A
- Voltage: 400V to 2800V
Non-Isolated Three Thyristor (RHTT)
- Current: 60A to 200A
- Max. Voltage is 400V
Isolated Water-Cooled Module
- Current: 550A, 850A & 1200A
- Max. Voltage is 1600V